
Minutes of the Board Meeting of the
Camelot Residences Association Inc.
On July 27, 2020, at the On-Site Office

Call to Order:
Management called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Establishment of Quorum:
Board members present were Gerald Britton and Don Drake. Jason Andersen was not able to attend. Kathy Watts represented Dragon Property Management.

Approval of Minutes from February 10, 2020:
Don Drake made a motion to approve the February 10, 2020 Board Meeting minutes. Gerald Britton seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Old Business:
Pool refinishing: The pool has been refinished and owners, renters and guests are expected to follow the rules.

New Business:
Condominium Document Revision vote: Kathy Watts discussed mailing of the proposed condominium document revisions for a vote. The revisions include allowing late fees to owners that are habitually late, changing the minimum lease to 6 months (those renting for less than 6 months and not paying the required “Tourist Tax” to the state will be turned in) and owners will be required to get a background check and send the information and a copy of the lease to the association. Just doing these few things will help Camelot to lose the reputation they seem to have in the community. Rentals: Jerry Britton stressed that per state law, only 2 persons are allowed to inhabit reach bedroom.

Background Checks: Owners are expected to do a background check for each lease.


Next Board Meeting: The next scheduled Board meeting will be Monday, September 14, 2010 in the on-site office.

With no further business to discuss, Don Drake made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:40p.m. Gerald Britton seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Watts
Kathy Watts, CMCA, LCAM
Dragon Property Management
Board of Directors, Camelot Residences Association, Inc.